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What is this repository for?

A utility that allows retrying a function with an exponential delay between attempts - inspired from package




import { FuseHttpClient } from '@appfire/fuse-http-client';

type Body = {
test: string

try {
type Body = {
test: string
type Response = {
data: string

const appKey = 'org.swift.confluence.refapp';
const serviceUrl = ''
const appApiUrl = ''
const fuseConfluenceAnalytics = FuseHttpClient.createInstance('Confluence', {
appKey: appKey,
serviceUrl: serviceUrl,
backOffOptions: {
delayFirstAttempt: true,
jitter: 'full',
logRetry: true,
numOfAttempts: 5,
startingDelay: 100,
timeMultiple: 5
// Response
// Body
// Params // optional
const responsePost = await<Response,Body>({
test: 'sendAnalytics'


const fuseConfluenceApp = FuseHttpClient.createInstance('Confluence', {
appKey: appKey,
serviceUrl: appApiUrl,
backOffOptions: {
delayFirstAttempt: true,
jitter: 'full',
logRetry: true,
numOfAttempts: 5,
startingDelay: 100,
timeMultiple: 5

// Response
// Params //optional
const responseGet = await fuseConfluenceApp.get<Response>();

} catch (error) {
console.error('Final error', error);


  • delayFirstAttempt?: boolean

    Decides whether the startingDelay should be applied before the first call. If false, the first call will occur without a delay.

    Default value is false.

  • jitter?: JitterType | string

    Decides whether a jitter should be applied to the delay. Possible values are full and none.

    Default value is none.

  • maxDelay?: number

    The maximum delay, in milliseconds, between two consecutive attempts.

    Default value is Infinity.

  • numOfAttempts?: number

    The maximum number of times to attempt the function.

    Default value is 10.

    Minimum value is 1.

  • retry?: (e: any, attemptNumber: number) => boolean

    The retry function can be used to run logic after every failed attempt (e.g. logging a message, assessing the last error, etc.). It is called with the last error and the upcoming attempt number. Returning true will retry the function as long as the numOfAttempts has not been exceeded. Returning false will end the execution.

    Default value is a function that always returns true.

  • startingDelay?: number

    The delay, in milliseconds, before executing the function for the first time.

    Default value is 100 ms.

  • timeMultiple?: number

    The startingDelay is multiplied by the timeMultiple to increase the delay between reattempts.

    Default value is 2.